Posts tagged ‘gluten free fast food’

Gluten Free Me…

and super size me while you’re at it!  Unless you are aware that McD’s fries are NOT technically gluten free according the their own website. 😦  I have been informed however that the celiac foundation tested them and found them to be within the limit to be considered gluten free.

On other business…

Summer is officially over since Sunday marked the last day of the fair!

I can still smell the kettle corn cooking.  I’ve still got chicken poo stuck to my boots.  Thing 1 still has artificial freckles on his face, the kind you get from falling off the sheep in Mutton Bustin’ and yet it is time to get back to reality.  Time to eat meals from my own table and time to blog again lest the blog police shut me down. 

Every year I cling to the last morsels of the fair just like Templeton in Charlotte’s Web.  I love the fair; bad food, creative crafts, huge pumpkins and the rodeo!  “The bulls and the blood, the dust and the mud!”  Gotta love it.

What do you eat when you are on the go?

Thinking back on the fair and the mirage that was summer I wondered if it might be helpful to compile some of the fast food orders I make over and over and over again. 

When you have to eat gluten free you tend to avoid fast food like mothers across the nation avoid having to change dirty diapers on the primitive floor of the fair bathroom where there is no warm water, no soap and likely no towels when you are down to your last wet wipe!  None the less when the occasion arises most every mother will just get the job done.

Here is my “menu” for those times when fast food is inevitable.

What can I eat at McDonald’s?

  • yogurt parfait (NO oatmeal) 
  • salad (NO croutons and NO chicken- not even the grilled one!)
  •  fruit and walnut salad (DON’T eat the candies walnuts the second ingredient is wheat)
  •  100% beef patties (NOT the Angus patty)
  •  McRib Pork Patty.

The salad dressings do not contain gluten ingredients. All but one are soy free. The Italian dressing is the only one that does not contain milk.

I usually order a yogurt parfait and fries but I just read on the McDonald’s website that the number 2 ingredient is a vegetable oil which includes Natural Beef flavor in which one of the ingredients is hydrolyzed wheat.  And all this time I though fries were gluten free!  WAAAAAA!

I rarely order a plain meat patty because the chances that somebody puts a bun on accidentally then yanks it off and sticks the patty in a boat (crumbs and all) is something I don’t like to gamble on.

What can I eat at Wendy’s?

Wendy’s is my favorite.  In my town it is the best fast food bet if I don’t want to get sick, though I have had the occasional cross contamination issues that go along with chancing it “out on the range”!  Truly only 1 in 100. That’s pretty good.

  • grilled chicken patty
  • 100% beef patty
  • potatoes
  • gogurts
  • fries (I think but can’t verify online right now)
  • salads (minus croutons, NOT including the Asian salad-or just leave off the noodles)
  • most of the dressings are without wheat (be aware that soy sauce has wheat so stay away from Asian dressings/marinades)

I usually order one of their wonderful salads.


A chicken patty with my favorite dressing to dip, a sour cream and chive potato and a big swig of good ol’ Dr. Pepper!

What can I eat at Carl’s Jr?

  • The low carb $6 burger-
  • fries

There is still hope for french fry eaters (unless you are allergic to soy).  I had stopped eating Carl’s fries when they changed to the “fresh cut” version because I noticed the breading and assumed it was wheat.  I actually spit a couple out in a panic and threw three boxes of fries away on that assumption.  Browsing their website I found that the “breading” is actually rice flour so it appears that french fries are still in my future! Don’t eat the zuccini or crisscut fries though.

Since they have the low carb option Carl’s will make any of their sandwiches on lettuce!  They even have real  lettuce!  The chicken (even grilled chicken) is not okay the marinade contains soy sauce.

View the complete Carl’s ingredients list here.

I hope this helps. Here are some other fast food chains and restaurants I’ve left off since I don’t have much experience with them,  our little town doesn’t offer a lot of options! 🙂

Please visit Linda’s new and improved “What Can I Eat That’s Gluten Free” and don’t forget to check out the other great recipes this week!

August 31, 2009 at 10:22 pm 16 comments

Thanks for Summer Two for One Special

Have you ever been in a deep cave or a long tunnel?  I’ve been in both. 

We have old mines in a town not too far from where I grew up that tell a story of the dreams of many ambitious families who hoped to build fortunes by sending there strong men into the dark day after day.  There are countless numbers who didn’t make it out of mines like this one.

I’ve also traveled through what is thought to be the worlds longest underwater tunnel on the Trans Tokyo Bay Highway in Japan though it is traveled by millions I thought I  might not make it out!

If you have ever experienced it you will understand the feeling of awe in the blinding reality at the “end of the tunnel” or at the top of the long climb out of that dark cave.  First, it’s the realization that you were holding your breath and you breathe in the air as if before you had been unable to inhale. 

Next its like the world is new as you experience the sun on your face and the many many colors of nature around you.  How could you forget in those short moments what beauty awaited you?

Emerging from winter this year has been like that for me.  I grew up here in the North so I’m no stranger to hard winters and I’m also quite fond of the clean blanket that is tossed out over all who tarry giving familiar surroundings a sort of ethereal curiosity.  None-the-less, this was an exceptionally long hard winter, both by natural purposes and emotionally, physically etc. 

I’ve never been happier to welcome Spring. It seems to me that the earth was just as ready and practically lept over the normal events of Spring and has puddle stomped it’s way into Summer in a matter of a few short weeks.

The sun is shining, the garden is planted and I’m so thankful for summer! 

Hubby says I’m “dripping with detail”!  I’ll take that as a compliment.  

Finally getting to it.

Here is my “Thanks for Summer Two for One Special”:

Veggie Tray Lunch:veggie tray

What you will need:

  • various yummy veggies
  • cheese (if desired)
  • dressing or hummus for dipping

I reused a disposable tray and lid I had from somewhere, it was perfect.  To note, DO NOT cut up the sweet pepper in advance it flavors everything in a 2 foot radius. It just so happens that’s almost the entire frig.

I filled this tray each morning and gave the kids free rein to eat from it at will.  It really helped curb the munchies and even took place of lunch one day this week.

My Thinglets had their reservations but when I sliced the sweet pepper and gave each a nice thin “shoestring pepper fry” they were pleasantly surprised.  They were also quite sure that tomatoes were not on the approved list until I sliced a few in half and had them try without the shock of that spurt of juice when you bite into it whole.  You guessed it, no complaints!

The veggies and cheese were such a hit I went one step further.

Summer Pasta Salad:

and toss

What you will need:

  • BroccoliGF noodles (16oz)- No that’s not a typo I did a little research and though Tinkyada calls this it’s Fussilli Pasta it appears to be truly the Broccoli Pasta shape.  Read the link it’s quite a kick!
  • chicken if desired (this is delicious as another use for the bbq chicken left-overs)
  • various veggies
  • parmesan cheese (if desired)
  • garlic
  • olive oil

If I can do it you can do it (Recipe):

If you’ve made the veggie tray or have vegetables on hand this dish is a cinch to whip up.

As soon as I got the The Bubba and Pee Wee down for their naps I boiled up the noodles.  The key is to make the noodles according to package directions and allow time to chill before your own clan is pounding down the door for dinner.  I like to rinse and pat dry before serving or chilling GF pastas.

Just before the door came crashing in (not really but you’d be surprised) I prepared my veggies.add veggies

I used 2 chicken thighs, 2 dozen cherry tomatoes (some cut in half for the Thinglets), 3-4sm sweet peppers sliced in strips, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese and 1 heaping tablespoon of minced garlic.

All you have to do now is drizzle in a little olive oil (just enough to coat the noodles and get the cheese to stick), toss in the vegetables and chicken then pour a glass of lemonade, put up your feet and soak in the sun!add oil

This has been another recipe for the “What’s for Dinner Wednesday Blog Carnival” Hosted by the Gluten Free Homemaker. Thanks for stopping and check out more great ideas here. 

June 16, 2009 at 10:49 pm 15 comments

Not yo’ nacho!

I hope I’m not breaking more rules!  You know those blog police are always out to get me.  At any rate I’m going to use a previous post for my first ever Friday Foodie Fix over at The Whole Gang.  I’ve been wanting to participate in the fun since meeting Diane during What’s for Dinner Wednesday’s but between the rock incident, making green smoothies a fashion statement and playing in my garden I just couldn’t find the time.  Finally things are settling in and with the help of my cooking hubby we’ve come up with a recipe that fits the bill!  P.s It is not against the rules to use a previous post, in fact you can even use more that one post.  Whew, I’m off the hook.


I don’t go to town often and when I do I usually rush home thinking to myself, “I’m never doing that again!”  It’s not that I live outside of a terribly busy town, it’s actually quite quaint.  It’s not that I can’t find the things that I need or want.  It’s mostly my darling two year old who at this point in his young  life is determined to make shopping a chore.

The Bubba, bless his little pink cheeks is bound and determined to live life on the edge.  Literally, I mean the edge of almost everything.  I often find him dangling off the edge of the counter, belaying off of the big boys’ bunk bed or my personal favorite, attempting the back flip out of the child seat (belt and all) of my shopping cart.

Because of his shopping antics I hate to go to town!

My grandmother, bless her heart, went shopping with me the other day and sat in the car so I could make some quick stops and not have to set up a carabiner for the shopping cart experience.

I asked her “If you had the money and didn’t have to think practically what one thing would you have done on a regular basis?”

I suspected I knew the answer since we often think alike and I have a definite number one.

I was right, we would both hire a personal chef!  It’s not that I completely hate to cook (though I’m not great at it) it is a matter of shopping, being responsible for the health and safety (ha ha) of those eating and cleaning up the mess.  If I could school the kids, play in the garden and even organize and clean the house without the worry of “What’s for Dinner” I think I’d have it made!  I might pop into the kitchen now and again and I would certainly continue to experiment with baking each time I got a hankerin’ but I wouldn’t be the “Queen of the Kitchen”.  Grandma and I would gladly relinquish that to anyone else!

My husband got wind of this plan and he mentioned, “Hon, I really don’t mind cooking, in fact I think it’s kinda fun and, no offense, but I’m a much better shopper!”

Yipee!  No way!  My husband wants to be the “Queen of the Kitchen”!  Am I a horrible housewife for letting my husband do the cooking?

You be the judge.

This is what we had for dinner that very night, and in the time it takes to say…

Not yo’ Nacho a $7.00 family meal (serves 6)

Do I really have to go there? (Shopping List):

Note: I’ve been instructed to revise a couple things

  1. 1 bag chips ($3)
  2. 1/2 lb cheese ($2)
  3. 6-8 med. mushrooms (.50)
  4. cilantro (.50)
  5. 1 avocado ($1)
  6. bell pepper (use a sliver from left overs 🙂 pennies)
  7. 1/4 red onion (pennies)
  8. garlic (pennies)
  9. dollop of sour cream (pennies)
  10. olive oil vegetable oil (pennies)
  11. butter

If I can do it, you can do it. Oh wait, I didn’t! (Recipe):

Grate 1/2lb cheese.

Heat 1 Tbsp olive  vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over med/low heat

Add 2 garlic cloves (minced), 6-8 sliced mushrooms and 2Tbsp butter, heat allowing to slow cook for 5-7min. Also in this step add the red onion and 1/4 sliced bell pepper (pretty much left over’s nachos, whatever’s handy in the frig and sounds good).  After the 5-7 min simmer add 2 Tbsp butter and continue to simmer 3 more minutes.

In the meantime melt grated cheese over chips in the microwave or in a toaster oven.

Top the nachos with saute’ mushroom mixture

Garnish with avacado slices, sour cream and cilantro



Previously this week:

This has been another recipe for the “What’s for Dinner Wednesday Blog Carnival” Hosted by the Gluten Free Homemaker. Thanks for stopping and check out more great ideas here. 

Currently Featured at:

The Whole Gang’s Friday Foodie Fix.

Click Foodie Crossing to enter!

Friday Foodie Fix

June 2, 2009 at 10:11 pm 22 comments

The trouble with rocks

Despite my desire to be organized and make life easier for myself I really don’t like menu planning.  No matter how much “flexibility” you can build into a week or month long plan it still feels restrictive to me.  I am a surprise kind of person.  When it comes to food I like to decided what to eat based on the weather, the pull of the moon, my mood or whatever suits my fancy.  Your laughing!? I know you are wondering, how does THAT work with four little ones, especially since I’m a picky eater myself?  I don’t exactly know yet but I’m working on it.

The Problem of Menu Planning Illustrated:

Saturday 3:00 pm – I have lots of help because my hubby is home.  We are FINALLY able to get outside to enjoy the first sunny and relatively warm day of spring.  This should be an excellent day for accomplishing one of my menu tasks.  Happily I dig in the dirt and the boys throw rocks into a huge hole filled with rain water just off the driveway.  I have visions of taquitos and even some green beans (veggies that I will  eat!) , that should fry up quick and give us plenty of time outside in the sun.  At the moment I’m thrilled that I’ve planned ahead. 

4:00 pm – It’s time to think about getting the boys inside and washed up so we can start dinner.  But Oh, this sun is glorious!  The big boys have moved on to riding bikes and Bubba is running up and down the driveway exclaiming with glee, “Wide Bite’s! Wide Bite’s!”  That’s “Ride Bikes” to the rest of us.

4:45 pm – Just about finished staking off the new garden. Three boys are back on a dirt mound tossing rocks. In a split second there is Thing 2 covered in mud climbing up the “bank” of the large puddle sputtering and crying, “Blood, Mom, BLOOOOD! I’m gonna DIE!”


Thing 2's Red Racecar Band-aid

5:00 pm – Time to start dinner but instead I’m carrying my 5 year old whose head is dripping with blood up to the house.  My dear husband has run to get towels, hoping not to have to look at whatever is causing all the ruckus.  He does not do blood unless it’s his own.  That Goof could cut a leg off and shrug “ah, but a flesh wound”.  Make him talk about or look at blood and he goes white in the face!  I’m on my own with this one.

5;15 pm – The head is no longer dripping and I’ve got Thing 2 properly bandaged.  The two of us are off to the ER for stitches.  The story is Thing 1 thought about jumping the ditch but wanted to see if Thing 2 could clear it first. Being the dare devil that he is, 2 was happy to try and yet being short legged and attempting the long jump uphill, landed square in the middle of the puddle which then propelled him forward into the upper bank where a large and jutted rock sat firmly planted in the dirt waiting for a tender little head to split. 

Whack! In three seconds flat (the time it takes to convince a 5 year old to jump) my dinner menu plan resolution was ruined and off I flew to the ER, leaving Hubby with Thing 1 (still howling in remorse since it was his idea  that had gotten his brother hurt), the Bubba (howling even though he had no idea why) and Pee Wee (squealing just as loudly, not to be outdone). 

While at the ER I had some time to think on the subject of menu planning and I believe I’ve got an idea.  Even if I do  menu plan I still have to find the time to cook what I’ve planned and more often than not, there in lies the problem.  My new plan:  always cook enough for 3-4 meals at once and freeze the extra!  Maybe I’ll even get one whole Sat. to cook ahead and then I’ll really be set!

Instead of taquitos around 5:30 we ate Wendy’s take out and then when I got home Hubby and I stayed up late making loads of taquitos that I hope will last a couple weeks.  But, you know what they say… “If you cook build it they will eat come.”

Rock Day Taquitos:

Do I really have to go there? (Shopping List):

Costco Baby, Costco!

  1. Frozen chicken (approx. 4lb) beef works too
  2. 50 corn tortillas or if you are really ambitious make your own
  3. vegetable oil (for frying)
  4. seasonings for the chicken if desired

If I can do it you can do it! (Recipe):


1. Fill your crock-pot to the brim with frozen chicken breast or thighs. Thighs are cheaper but harder to shred. Of course, in typical Goof fashion I learned the hard way.  Cook on high 4hrs.  You may want to re-arrange the pieces then turn to low and finish cooking any that need it.


Take your son to the ER and when you return the chicken will be cool enough to shred without burning your fingers!  See there is a silver lining. 

4 MORE HOURS LATER (or whenever)

2. Shred the chicken using two forks and put in a large bowl. 

3. The easiest way we found to make large amounts of taquitos was in an electric skillet.  Preheat skillet to 300 degrees.

4. Season chicken to taste.  We poured the juice out of a can of jalapenos (put the jalapenos in Tupperware are covered again with water for use later) then added a heaping tablespoon of minced garlic as well as generous amounts of salt and cracked peppercorn (I like the colorful stuff).

5. Use just enough cooking oil to coat the bottom of the skillet or pan you are using.  This will vary depending on the size of your skillet and you will have to add a small amount with each new batch.fry

6. Heat tortillas until they just begin to bubble then remove and place cooked side up on paper towels. We did four at a time until we had 16 then went on to the next step and repeated steps 5-7  until we had used up all the tortillas.

7. Spoon chicken into the tortilla’s (on the cooked side) and roll, then place them, seam side down, on the skillet to fry the other side.  Take a little nap on the breakfast bar until you begin to smell the tortilla toasting, it’s time to turn (approx 5 min).  Actually we were able to get 16 tortilla’s in my large skillet so by the time the last one was rolled the first only needed 1 min. more cooking time before we could begin to turn them and then only 1 more minute by the time they were all rolled to begin removing them and eating cooling them on a plate to freeze for an anytime meal.  It worked well to pack them tight because they didn’t have room to unroll.

If you are making a small batch you will cook 5 min, turn then 5 min more or until the tortilla is lightly browned and no longer soft.

8. Freeze and when you need a quick meal heat on a grill 5 min each side or taquitosmicrowave wrapped in paper towels for 1-3min depending on how many you are re-heating at once.

Variation: Use shredded pork and a can of diced tomatoes and green chilies

NOTE: We got a little overly excited about our hearty home made taquitos and were only able to get 47 taquitos because they were stuffed.  I would recommend going a little lighter on the chicken.  They need to wrap one and a half times around so they don’t fall apart when you try to eat them.  You will still have a far superior taquito to the store bought (often gluten filled) expensive and skimpy on the meat, taquitos.  Not to mention at about half the cost. 

My Hubby can’t resist doing the math and he figured out that our taquitos cost less than $20 for 50 which have probably 3 times the meat than the $6 box of 20 skimpy taquitos we usually buy.

This has been another recipe for the “What’s for Dinner Wednesday Blog Carnival” Hosted by the Gluten Free Homemaker. Thanks for stopping and check out more great ideas here.

April 14, 2009 at 10:27 pm 23 comments

Unraveling the Mystery of Eggs (Recipe 2.a) – Kid Scrambled

I’m going to give you two options for making scrambled eggs, the first I’m ashamed I even know and I’m not going to guess if there are any nutrients left afterward. It’s MICROWAVE! Seriously sad that eggs can be scrambled in the microwave but that little diddy is a necessary evil in our household.  I spent an entire winter in a camp trailer and I learned to bake everything either in the microwave or on top of a wood stove. 

Except the time I burned my eyelashes off trying to bake gluten free brownies (pregnancy craving) but that’s another story all together!  You will all have to pray that I remember my brownie recipe and then I’ll have to tell that story.  I lost that recipe somewhere between the fog of baby number 4 (a girl-hence the fog-lol) and finding out that Wal Mart, another necessary evil, stopped carrying my favorite yogurt.  I don’t even LIKE yogurt – it was well disguised!

I hear you!

“Weren’t we on the subject of eggs Goof?”

And yes, you are right on with the eggs.

Often I have those sort of days when the butter dish gets broken and my husband thinks a plate will do just fine until one of the barn cats gets in the house and I am in the middle of bathing my darling Thinglets so I don’t notice when a whole stick of butter gets licked to smithereens. When I realize what happened I plop down another stick of butter, after shooing the cat outside and scramble (see I’m getting there) to get everyone dressed but realize there are no clean pants for any of the kids so I quickly toss in a load of laundry while The Bubba slips on a pair of over sized boots and lets himself out onto the front deck (I had no idea he could reach the handle yet) in just a pair of boots and a diaper (in 35 degree weather and a sciff of fresh snow) when the dog rushes in, straight for the kitchen (I swear the cat started the search and destroy mission) and lops up a second stick of butter before you can say “Boys, where’s your BROTHER?”

Sooo, after all that Thing 1, Thing 2 and The Bubba are back inside but still half dressed and everyone is getting hungry. I finally sit down with a cup of coffee and wonder, how many moms across the country have gone fetal (like I’m about to do) on their living room floors at this very moment.  Feeling sorry for myself I stare into the swirl of cream and breathe in the steamy goodness and am just about to sink back in the chair for a couple sips when my stomach growls and I realize all we had this morning is cereal; nothing with protein, no hearty, stick to your stomach, feed your brain protein!  This is the kind of day that screams for microwave eggs!  I don’t even get time to drink the coffee and Pee-wee is crying so I pick her up slump back in my rocker and commission the oldest, Thing 1, to make us all eggs.

Scrambled Eggs in the Microwave – Kid friendly

  1. 1-2 eggs cracked into a microwave safe coffee mug
  2. a splash (approx 2 Tablespoons) of milk or water
  3. whisk with a fork
  4. Microwave for 2 min. (if you have a small mug the eggs may try to escape over the top)

It seems to be that 1 min. per egg is the ticket but I’ve never tried more than 2 at a time.

If you are not horified by my suggesting it, you may try these in a pinch.  If the thought wierds you out I hope you got a good laugh!

February 28, 2009 at 10:20 pm 4 comments

Restaurants with gluten free options

If you are willing to risk the possibility of cross contamination here are some restaurant chains that have made an attempt to offer gluten-free options, because you can’t always pack a sack lunch. Don’t be a goof, always ask before you order and don’t be embarrased to let the waiter and/or chef know how important it is to get your order right. 

First some quick tips: 

French Fries are often lightly breaded, seasoned and fried in a vat with other gluten products so don’t assume they are ok.

Fried rice is often made with a slight amount of soy sauce in the vat to keep it from sticking together – always ask.

Soups, sauces, maranades and salad dressing are easy items to ask to read a label on.

January 29, 2009 at 11:42 pm 4 comments

Us and Our Thinglets

MATT - Food Creativity Consultant, Joyful Partner in Crime JESSIE - Photographer, Amateur Food Critic, Blog Author CAPTAIN OBVIOUS - formerly Thing 1 Thing 1 SCARFUNKLE - formerly Thing 2 IMG_3466 LOUD KIDDINGTON - formerly THE BUBBA 3 PEE WEE MINI ME BORN March 8, 2011

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Food Fun

Sourdough Update

Many of you have been checking back for results on my sourdough creation. At the moment it is still a science experiment, but a happy, bubbly experiment. Never fear, recipes will be here! I did make a beautiful, moist and delicious loaf of sourdough using yeast and a myriad of other ingredients but I'm still trying to create something more user friendly. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a starter on the counter that you could add 4 things to and have a loaf of bread by dinner? Mmmm! Attempt #1 - rose well but resulted in a dense chewy blob Attempt #2 - rose ok but was thin and lifeless then fell and another dense (not so chewy) blob Attempt #3 - to the dogs! Attempt #4 - A sourdough pancake success see post under what's for breakfast gluten-free goof? Ongoing - I've tried several more times and am going to try a completely different approach on the bread starting this week. (Mar 18). My sourdough is still happy on my counter and it makes great pancakes but it's a lot of work just for pancakes. Keep checking! April Update: She is still kickin and I'm still workin on a yeast free, gluten free sourdough loaf! May Update: My sourdough "pet" has been dried and retired until next baking season. I've traded her in for a hotter model, the BBQ! :)
May 2024